Average edit time

Oscar J Stones

I've Got It
Hi, I was just wondering what people's average edit times were like. Personally my videos can take anywhere between 30 and 100 hours to edit, but I know I'm an extreme case.
On average I spend around 10 minutes editing each video.
I have spent up to about on hour editing on others.
I uploaded a video on the weekend with no editing / straight from my phone after filming a 1 take quick video showing how to replace a bulb on a car

In life my aim is minimal effort for maximum return
depends entirely on the content of the video. I have some that were less than 30 mins and some 4+ hours. just on editing.
Mine is actually pretty easy. It depends on the length of the video and the content, but editing is the least time consuming part of making the video. Mostly, less than a half hour of actual edit time.
30min - 4 hours. 30min if I lack footage and slack, 4 hours if I want some colorgrading / new ''after effects'', which will be recycled for other content.
To be honest the type of video I make takes several days to edit. For example, my last video i edited for 5 days, and in each day I edited about 3-4 hours. Although this is the case for me, this is vary rarely the case for others. For this reason I will eventually look for an editor so i can dish out videos more frequently.
I mostly takes me several hours on several days, so I can't really name a number. I made some travel videos and if you're gone for 2 weeks you get a lot of footage. So going trough it and picking out shots takes a lot of time. Then putting it together, maybe do some slight colour corrections, suddenly come up with a new idea and switch footage or put i in a different order, cutting it again is also taking forever sometimes haha. Worked for about 1 1/2 weeks on my latest video, it's 6:50 mins long.
A few hours to get it the best I can, correcting exposures, correcting mispronounced words, fixing the split clip tick and a few other things.