Ask me anything!

If someone gave you a million dollars and told you that you can't spend it on yourself and you can't give it away to charity or to one person or buy anything tangible. How would you spend it.... Lol
What do succesful youtubers have in common?
What's the next breakthrough user device?
What's the meaning of pie.
if u were a girl, what would your preferred name be?

If someone gave you a million dollars and told you that you can't spend it on yourself and you can't give it away to charity or to one person or buy anything tangible. How would you spend it.... Lol

Thanks guys!

Im working on this video today, any more questions?!?!
How many puppets do you have and can we see them all?
Are you currently working on any new puppets?
Can we see a preview of what you're currently working on?
What software do you use to create your music in?
How long have you been making music for?
How did you come up with the name th3stuffshow?
How many puppets do you have and can we see them all?
Are you currently working on any new puppets?
Can we see a preview of what you're currently working on?
What software do you use to create your music in?
How long have you been making music for?
How did you come up with the name th3stuffshow?
awesome thanks Michael!