Vlog Ask me anything! Doing a video for YTTalk


Message me if you need anything :)
I want to make a video where I answer various questions or give my thoughts on something you ask.

I will answer any question no matter how awkward or oddball it may be. A good example of things I'll include are:

"What are your thoughts on..."
"What can you do for...."
"How do I...."

So if you need advice on something, or just feel like trolling me with a weird question comment below. Video will be put up on YTTalk and I plan on giving this site a shoutout because more people need to know this place exist.
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Hey BrendenTurtle. What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on the world?
Awesome, can't wait to see the video!
Yep! May take a bit to get it out but it will be out before my next vlog which I plan on uploading on Saturday. HOPEFULLY.

Started work, so I don't know if I'll have the time but I always try ;)
Only got two so far ;) I need more. Got a whole plan for this, not just answering questions ;)