Argghh naming my channel???!!!!

Names are so difficult, I chose mine of what URL i could get EmilyJMarshall which amazingly was available (i dont know how but it was) and the name everyone sees is just Emily Marshall which is fine, very common yes, but hey at least they know and i know its me :) currently my YouTube is the fourth one to come up when you search Emily Marshall, the one above me is my old account >< damn it. So anyway, the point of this was supposed to be that go with what your gut tells you and even if it sounds common as long as its rememberable, you'll be fine :)
So, Girl101 is taken?

If you plan on your channel being a manifestation of yourself, you should name it after yourself. It doesn't have to be your real name, it could your online alter ego or something you came up with. this, I was going to say the same thing.
Maybe I'm crazy, but this is something you really gotta think up yourself...

If you can't even come up with a channel name meaningful to you, how will you ever hope to make meaningful content and make it past 5 subscribers?

There are ideas to crowdsource and not crowdsource and this is not one of them.

I agree here...

This is something you need to do yourself because it's your channel.

If you have a nickname, use that, if it's already taken use a variation of it, so my nickname PartAndroid, if that was taken I could put is Part.Android.2014, or someshizzle...

Failing that, shortlist as many names for a gaming relating channel as possible, leave it for a week and see which one sticks in your head the whole week.

Good luck!