True Wub :wub:
Um....I think @Symph can vouch for me here..........I think I'm terrible at everything, and never good enough for anything. Everything I do, I find the worst things about it.
I'll never be a good enough mother to my kids
I'll never be good enough to be a professional musician
I'll never be good enough to be a graphics designer
I'll never make good Youtube videos
I'm terribly hard on myself, even when I try not to be.
Regardless I press on....but it seems I am never happy with anything I do.
I'll never be a good enough mother to my kids
I'll never be good enough to be a professional musician
I'll never be good enough to be a graphics designer
I'll never make good Youtube videos
I'm terribly hard on myself, even when I try not to be.
Regardless I press on....but it seems I am never happy with anything I do.