Are you ever pretty sure a video will do really well?

YES! The thing is I try and make relevant videos, so most of them don't well unless I PAMPER over the SEO, it literally takes me an hour to get the perfect title, description, good tags, and publishing it in places that will allow me to. Don't worry if they aren't excellent in views, i'd focus more on viewer retention. As long as those first 100 viewers are watching the video through out, YouTube will generally promote that video internally.
It's very rare, but if I ever to find a topic that I know will be trending very soon, I often try to jump on it as soon as possible. If it's something very important, like a video game leak or a recent update, sometimes I'll instantly know that a video will get a ton of views.
Nope. You really can't be sure. There have been times when I put so much work and dedication on a video and it even got less than average views, whereas even the least amount of work invested in a video got viral. Just do whatever feels right and even if you worked your behind for a video, at least see it as practice to become a faster video editor in the future. That is my motivation :)

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I tend to have a pretty good feeling of how well a video will do. Usually the more I promote a video, the better it does. So it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, where I promote videos I think are good and because they're promoted more, they get more views. Although some videos do surprise me by doing a little better than I thought they would.
Well its always good to strive improvement, I will say don't focus on getting views. Just create things you feel like doing.
I did a collab with 7 channels all bigger than me and some with 100000 subs or more. I'm happy with the video but I just assumed that with so many followers it would lead to a record number of views and it didn't
I never expect a video to do really well as it can lead to let downs. I would rather find out my video does better than I expect than find out I had too many expectations for the video to do well.