Are you bitter?

I'm only bitter that my own channel is so dead. It's growing slowly and it's my own fault, but I do sometimes catch myself watching a channel with a dude playing with Sonic dolls doing horrible voices get millions of views. Come on, I put a child's spider-man mask on with a Batman suit. How did that not get the same trainwreck views!?

But I mostly contain it to being bitter about my own channel without worrying about anyone else's. Although the success of those stupid Disney-Marvel crossover videos that have little to do with either annoys me. Surprised they don't get claimed.
I do not. Instead, I aspire to one day reach their level of success. I tend to encourage them and wish them well in their future growth. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to grow as well. You already have a solid following of over 4k in just over a year (far more than me) haha. Best wishes, I hope you hit 10k soon. :)
I do not. Instead, I aspire to one day reach their level of success. I tend to encourage them and wish them well in their future growth. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to grow as well. You already have a solid following of over 4k in just over a year (far more than me) haha. Best wishes, I hope you hit 10k soon. :)

Definitely not a hater and do wish EVERYONE on youtube great success. There's room enough for ALL of us, including those that do similar videos than us. How many cinnamon challenges are out there, for example. I find it hard to aspire to be like someone who's channel is.... I don't know. It's hard to explain without calling someone out so you can see their content but I'm not going to do that. Let's just say that he has ridiculous numbers and posts videos with titles like, "if you sing you must pause this video for 3 seconds." umm...what? LOL
Sometimes I do but mostly how my setup could be WAY better but I am literally broke so that upgrade won't be happening until I find a job.
Do you ever find a channel similar to yours that you think is way beneath your content but they have such bigger numbers than you? And you find yourself mumbling under your breath about it? lol
I was this way for a couple of the dog channels but I like those channels so I got over it. There are a few where I'm like "How the hell do they have so many subs and that many views on their newest video?" And then I think of similar videos I executed better or that I thought were cuter or funnier. Then I think to some of my videos that I don't think are so great that have hundreds of thousands of views and I'm like "ah whatever!"
I was this way for a couple of the dog channels but I like those channels so I got over it. There are a few where I'm like "How the hell do they have so many subs and that many views on their newest video?" And then I think of similar videos I executed better or that I thought were cuter or funnier. Then I think to some of my videos that I don't think are so great that have hundreds of thousands of views and I'm like "ah whatever!"

Yeah, YouTube is SUCH a crap shoot. Sometimes I wont want to post a video because I think it's dumb or not interesting and then I get a ton of views. Sometimes I think a video is going to do really well and it doesn't. I don't think I'll ever understand YT. hah
It's usually not content that's really much worse than mine, it's mostly me seeing that it's on the same level as mine and that I could be doing that too but I didn't pick the right topic to make videos on or have the right timing. The timing does make me bitter sometimes because it seems like someone just jumped into a niche at just the right moment and got the fast track.

Looking back at games that have had longevity on YouTube and have really successful YouTubers and wanting to go back before they were big and be the first person on the bandwagon to make videos. I'm confident in my ability to create content but I speak from experience in that not all games are created equal in terms of effort vs reward. I feel slightly bitter about the times where I was on the short end of that stick, especially with 237 videos created I feel like I could and should do better. Have to turn it into motivation though.
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For me, it's more being competitive and trying to figure out what they are doing that is working, and what they are doing that isn't working, and to take notes! ^-^ And then I usually use them as motivation rather than being bitter... It's cool to see similar channels with a larger but similar audience. It sort of confirms that "the viewers are out there."

But I tend to only be competitive in things that I find important, and right now YouTube doesn't sit too high up on my list of important things lol. :p
Im not really bitter about that. Even with my vids, those I put most effort in arent the most successful. Once made a vid, spent more than 36 hours on it and got 50 views. Now I make Let's Plays and spend only about an hour per video, still get about 10 views on average.