Are networks dead?


I remember back a few years ago, when the most gaming youtubers would try super hard to get onto a gaming network, then a a couple years after that. The gaming networks were allowing practically every single channel that applied to join. I took a break from youtube for a while, and was curious. Are networks, not just gaming networks, Still a thing?
I heard Machinima (Who has been big) is going down, because of their reputation of being s****y to their people amongst other things.
There are still some huge networks still working. Disney even bought Maker Studios (a huge network), I think I have heard they are more selective on who they ask to join now, because they want to earn money!
The ones that offer real perks and advantages to their creators will survive, networks that asks a 50% cut of creators revenue not helping them growing in any real way are doomed to fail in the long run