Are my Let's Plays too long?

Thanks for the advice, I will definitely go back to a 2 vid/day schedule after summer break. Or should I go back already? I'm a little hesitant to do that, because I did an announcement video telling my viewers there would be 3 videos per day for the next 5 weeks. And also, I have enabled age restriction, but those games are really not for kids. Should I maybe still make all videos unrestricted? And thank you so much, QueenLlama, for bringing up the age restriction, it might just be the cause of my lack of views on certain videos. If it really is the age restriction holding these vids back, my regular views might soon triple.
it depends what your audience retention is but i would usually just edit the main highlights and keep it to around 12 minutes
I only watched one video, but yea it's not too long, but here's the thing. You kind of need to talk about things during the let's play like once you get more views and stuff on each video ask your viewers to comment if you should talk more and the majority is the decision. Try talking about a topic like your history on PC gaming and other things. Commentary really changes how long people view the video and it'll probably make people watch your videos longer.
Hey man, so I checked out your channel and it looks pretty good. When it comes to video length most of you videos are around 15 minutes which is perfectly fine to me. Anything from 15-25 mins to me is a good video length, I have a let's play channel and now and again I''l have a video that might be a bit longer like 30 mins but that's okay :D I would recommend maybe cutting back on how many videos you put out a day 2-3 videos day is too many in my opinion and you are just going to overwhelm your subscribers. I would aim for around 1 video a day :D Also maybe try playing more up to date games, I know that is easier said than done as games are not cheap these days but it may help playing newer games. Don't forget though play what YOU want to play! I hope this helps :D
15 minutes max is supposedly the sweet spot. I can't really talk though because I upload 20 minutes on average it seems (not including my full livestreams...). I'd say try not to go over 20 until you get bigger. It's what I've seen some big youtubers do.