Are giveaways really worth it?

Nah, like I said, I don't really care if they subscribe. It's more of a support to the indie devs.
Honestly, no. People will just use you for said giveaway. Many people will subscribe, and do the other requirements for the giveaway, and once it's over, whether they won or not, they will undo it all. You will most likely loose subscribers. I highly suggest not doing giveaways, at least not as a way to boost your audience. Maybe wait until you have a large audience.

I did a simple little giveaway when I reached 100 subscribers. I gained probably 10 or so subscribers from it, and afterwards I ended up with less than I did in the beginning. The person who won the giveaway ended up unsubscribing, though he occasionally visits my channel some times. I know he unsubscribed because about a few months later he subscribed again, and 2 other times after that. I guess he couldn't make up his mind :giggle:

I've done 2 giveaways now and my subrate has hardly dropped. I don't do giveaway for the view, i de-monitize my giveaway videos. I just like to do giveaways to let people play games, I have them sitting in my steam inv so why not?
What you should do is only let people enter who are already subbed to you that way you are giving something back to your subscribers not to random people :)
Giveaways will only bring in people who will only be active during giveaways in an attempt to get some free stuff, I wouldn't suggest doing giveaways frequently. Only do them with big milestones to be honest.
I also actually think if you just do a straight giveaway in a video then there's not really a point of it. However, if you talk about it in your upcoming videos with some small messages then it may be able to help you. Not sure if it ill worth the giveaway. Depends on what you are giving away to be honest.