Are Contacts More Valuable Than Subscribers In The Early Stage Of Channel Growth

Jemile Al-Darraji

Jemile aka The Baghdad Bad Boy
Guys Its Seems So Many Place Great Value On Subscribers

But Something I think alot Overlook Is The Value Of A 5000 List Of Contacts You Can Email Through the Youtube System .....

Alot Of Use Are Not At Large Sub Numbers Yet - But With a Little Work Could Easily Get 5000 Contacts

Surely Thats More Than Enough To Give Our New Video A Kick Out Of The Gates ???

The Thoughts of Ray - Michael - Vanessa - Symphon would be appreciate and of course everyone else.
I get spamed with contact requests. I hardly use the system. So I accept and move on. Might send a mass mail to them all soon asking them to sub or if they want to box for box.
I get a few notification of people adding me as contacts and I usually look to see who it is and generally add them back for future spam. :)
I guess, at the very least, you might get a channel view from adding a contact.
People always sends me for contact request and I decline them every time.

Why? Because they're just spammers to me and I find them quite annoying.

I only respond to those people who takes the time to write out a personal message that doesn't look too 'spammy' to me then I may check their channels out etc.
People always sends me for contact request and I decline them every time.

Why? Because they're just spammers to me and I find them quite annoying.

I only respond to those people who takes the time to write out a personal message that doesn't look too 'spammy' to me then I may check their channels out etc.

yes thats fair enough i get alot of tat
I get spamed with contact requests. I hardly use the system. So I accept and move on. Might send a mass mail to them all soon asking them to sub or if they want to box for box.

Yep that’s a good way of looking at it – so u can use it 2 your advantage [DOUBLEPOST=1352039511,1352039473][/DOUBLEPOST]
People always sends me for contact request and I decline them every time.

Why? Because they're just spammers to me and I find them quite annoying.

I only respond to those people who takes the time to write out a personal message that doesn't look too 'spammy' to me then I may check their channels out etc.

Yes that’s fair enough I get a lot of that 2 …..[DOUBLEPOST=1352039573][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't even use contacts.

Really like your last video m8
You're definitely close. I do believe that email marketing is a lost medium that people need to take advantage of. The best thing about having an email list and being able to reach them is the fact that you are certain to your message will reach their mail boxes and they will come across it at some point.

However, since everyone here says no one really uses YouTubes contacts capability. I'd like to suggest another alternative. What you can do is set up a link to an email submission form and put it on the descriptions of your videos. Then the way you can entice people to submit their email info can include:

1. To suggest ideas for your next video
2. To enter into a monthly drawing for free prizes given by yourself

I would argue that having a 5000 email list you can contact at any given time is more affective than having a 5000 twitter following. This is because sites like twitter/facebook's updates are up-to-the minute and your contents position drops and new content is updated.

Hope that helps.
You're definitely close. I do believe that email marketing is a lost medium that people need to take advantage of. The best thing about having an email list and being able to reach them is the fact that you are certain to your message will reach their mail boxes and they will come across it at some point.

However, since everyone here says no one really uses YouTubes contacts capability. I'd like to suggest another alternative. What you can do is set up a link to an email submission form and put it on the descriptions of your videos. Then the way you can entice people to submit their email info can include:

1. To suggest ideas for your next video
2. To enter into a monthly drawing for free prizes given by yourself

I would argue that having a 5000 email list you can contact at any given time is more affective than having a 5000 twitter following. This is because sites like twitter/facebook's updates are up-to-the minute and your contents position drops and new content is updated.

Hope that helps.

Benny nice to meet you m8. you've got a heck of a channel there bro and u know or have interviewed some big cats in the game. I agree with u on the point about the email list compared to twitter -

problem is twitter unless u dm or @ symbol people hardly take notice on many tweets and with so many people following so many people for bragging rights to followers your valued tweet gets lost....

u know the "i've got 10k followers crowd" -"but ur following 10k people" - dip shxt !

I think the fact that so many dont use the email system on youtube is exactly why im going to use it ..........

Nice To Mee U Bro - I am Going to Follow you on twitter

@baghdadbadboy - this is / as r you something that has sparked interest in me ..

Regards J