I dispute claims all the time. Most of my stuff is arranged from public domain music, and someone else copyrighted their arrangement which sounds a lot like the original. So far, my disputes have almost always ended in the publishers releasing the claim. Once it was rejected and I had to go the full nine-yards where you put in your name, address, phone number and click through scary YouTube buttons about freezing your account, fines, going to court and whatnot.. After that, I think my dispute was placed in front of an actual person instead of a robot, because they lifted the claim...
If you know your video is legal, don't let all the scary YouTube copyright warnings scare you - just dispute it! I'm a bit mad that all of these music publishers are putting out claims on public domain stuff.
If you know your video is legal, don't let all the scary YouTube copyright warnings scare you - just dispute it! I'm a bit mad that all of these music publishers are putting out claims on public domain stuff.