Vlog Anyone willing to participate in Skype call interview?

Is anyone that's interested willing to do some filming ASAP (within the next few hours?)

All you need is a webcam and mic, no hard questions, I promise!

im definitely in if you still need people!

Absolutely, drop me an email - ashleyjaycock@gmail.com

I would give this a go if this is still open. :D What time will it start though? Like UK time.

Time is variable, but we're also in the UK - most likely to be evening.

I'm willing to give it a try if you are, I do live in Australia though so there might be lag and such but that is for you to ponder. :)

Australia is fine, we might just have to catch you in the morning or vice versa.

I would but my skype program crapped out on me so I have to figure out how to get it back up an running. So google has my soul with G+ Hangouts for now :p

We're using AOL AV for the moment, so don't worry about Skype (we hate it too!)

Could everyone who's still interested drop me an email? We want to get content up over the next few days.


If the process is fairly painless, we'd love to have people back on the show.
YESSS COUNT ME IN! I love random questions!!!!
If you need an extra person im down my man!
Sign me up ^^

Currently editing an interview we completed yesterday with Jap (IDontSayArr on YouTube), it was a lot of fun despite a few problems getting set up!

Ready to complete some more interviews - please email me at ashleyjaycock@gmail.com if you're interested. Very flexible in terms of when we record, so different timezones is fine!