Anyone want a Mii character on my upcoming Tomodachi Life series?

Gender: Male
Hairstyle: Medium, Laid down.
Facial hair: scraggy beard and moustache
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Pale-Peachy
Height & Weight (Short - Tall, Skinny - Big): Very Tall, and skinny
Voice (Light, Medium, Deep, Squeaky etc.): Deep
Favorite Color: Green
Name of your Mii: Jake B.
(Optional) Personality: ambivert, musical, joyful
(Optional) Birthday
If I remember I will slap a QR code on here. The voices? Is it a scroll bar to adjust how squeaky you want it? or are they pre set?
I want my characters voice to be squeaky but not too squeaky.

So say medium was half way or 50%
Deep is to the left or 0%
and squeaky is to the right or 100%
Then please adjust the bar to roughly 75%
Half way between medium and squeaky. Thats the voice I chose on the mobile app until I got bored and uninstalled it lol