Music Anyone up for an anime song cover collab?

Evanexus--> yeah the saloon piano style is always intersting to play! The singing part is not my cup of tea but that is just my taste^^ The joy of this song remind me the ponyo main theme :)

Rich--> Nice cover of Chrono chross! really! We seems to have same the tastes about anime/game cover...
I'd like to make some cover with you too i'm going to pm you to talk about what could we do together :)
Evanexus--> yeah the saloon piano style is always intersting to play! The singing part is not my cup of tea but that is just my taste^^ The joy of this song remind me the ponyo main theme :)

Rich--> Nice cover of Chrono chross! really! We seems to have same the tastes about anime/game cover...
I'd like to make some cover with you too i'm going to pm you to talk about what could we do together :)

Sounds good! If anyone else thinks they have similar tastes, they should join us!
I'm interested with a collab, but i don't know these songs ^^'

And as a beginner, i only know how to play "fast songs" and new songs because of the rythm and the chords on Piano.
Hi Lulupianime :)
I have just looked you chanel and i find your way to play quite good. Since When do you play piano?
I play piano too but not as well as you, and for me you can easly make many many covers!

If you are interested with collab i could suggest you some songs (and you could suggest some to me of course)!

I play piano since 3 or 4 years i guess by myself !
Sure i am interested, i let you suggest some songs :p

I will cover Openings/Endings/Osts from the news anime but if you want to collab i can try others songs ;)

I'm also interested in a collaboration, I can sing or play a bit piano though, if anybody would like to do anime music, then I'm down!
