anybody know any good recording software

But as I said, your harddrive might be dying, so I'd try to run some tests on it before you start getting new hardware ;)

Also, if you switched from an internal to an external harddrive to record to recently, then that might be the problem ;)
No problem ;) HDD write speed is essential when using Fraps ;) Last time I tried to record some Black Ops 2 footage, I got about 20-30 frames on my external hdd, 90+ constantly on my internal one ;)
If you do decide to get a new processor Definitely Intel, i5/i7. If you plan on a lot more heavy editing or plan to later go for the i7 (preferably 3rd gen since it has quick sync)

After you figure out what's slowing down fraps (be hdd or other) if you still want to try other recording software get the trial version of each and see what you like and what works for you..

Mirillis Action! (This is what I use)
MSI Afterburner

(Obviously didn't include fraps since you have it)

Lesser known.. Playclaw and xfire, but they lag fairly bad from what I see/hear...