Anybody got experience with acifin

I remember ages ago they used to do quite a bit of spamming on here, or their recruiters anyway :p

I believe they are under BroadBandTV.
They Are :D[DOUBLEPOST=1422124871,1422124824][/DOUBLEPOST]
doesn't exactly mean you know what your doing, but as far as I can so no one really knows who they are except for shane but if it's true and they are under BroadBandTV then I personally wouldn't touch it.
They Are :D[DOUBLEPOST=1422124871,1422124824][/DOUBLEPOST]

I've has 3 channels in the past since 2012, doesn't mean I know what I'm doing. Your cocky response to my question (btw you never answered my question) leaves me to wonder do you know what you're doing?

I asked why do you need a partnership not do you know what you're doing, the reason I asked is because it would mean we could give you a better response and suggest to you networks that fit what you need. Majority of people join networks when they don't need one.
I've has 3 channels in the past since 2012, doesn't mean I know what I'm doing. Your cocky response to my question (btw you never answered my question) leaves me to wonder do you know what you're doing?

I asked why do you need a partnership not do you know what you're doing, the reason I asked is because it would mean we could give you a better response and suggest to you networks that fit what you need. Majority of people join networks when they don't need one.
Sorry :( Well i'm Currently with freedom and they have a nice set of features, for a network that accepts any one! I'm just looking i'm for another MCN :D
The only thing I know about them is that they recently became an MCN. Other than that, they seem to be using VISO Catalyst for pretty much everything else.
The first time I heard about Acifin was from Wings of Redemption's description where he has an affiliate link. I don't think there is anything wrong with them, they are an MCN now and have a pretty functional website. They have been around for a while so I imagine they're trustworthy but they're quite a young (in terms of viewership/partners, not age) network so maybe that will put you off but if their contract appeals to you then don't be afraid to go for it. Make sure you know exactly what the contract offers and what you are giving up, don't let yourself be swindled for a huge revenue share.
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