If you're just going on youtube to try and get loads and loads of views and just try and get into it because of the money, then you're coming into this with completely the wrong frame of mind. You need to be doing something on YouTube that you enjoy doing as a start. If you choose a hobby of yours, or something specific, then I'm sure that there will be loads of other people who like this kind of thing like you and will be wanting to watch videos like this, and in that case, you'll be getting a reliable source of views.
However, there are some key ways that you can gain more views on your videos:
1. Do topics that are very current, 'trending' topics. These could be from popular videos on youtube, a song that is really popular at the moment, or a current affair in the news that it provoking a lot of response.
2. Make your videos as 'responses' to other YouTubers videos - whether they be successful or not. It's one of the best ways to gain an audience that will be interested in the kind of content that you produce.
3. Promote your videos using Social Network sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc... This will help to spread the word to a much wider audience.
4. PROMOTE ON YTTALK!!! This will also give you honest feedback from people that will help you to improve your video quality and content for the better!

5. Collaborate!! - Make videos with people who have a very similar subscriber amount to you and in that case, these people may want to watch your videos as well as the person they're already subscribed to! This can help both collaborators!
6. Join forums and sites that are directly associated with the videos that you make. It will give you new ideas for videos and also get subscribers from people that actually are interested in your videos and subject/topic.
7. Misleading video titles - put the titles in ALL CAPS and make it slightly misleading... not the best idea but it does work e.g. writing things like BOOBS or SEX etc...
8. I really wouldn't recommend this.... but you can use view-bots/view-sites; that may use real people or automated-bots that will give you views (in a 'cheaty' way on your videos) :/
Hope this helps