Any Ideas for a Minecraft Series?

Do you have any friends that play mc? If not, ask other Youtuber.
The idea I did before but found it too much to keep up with since we got 4 mc series at that moment.
Download the map Skylia island, put it in the server and make teams, 2 of 2 players 3 of 2 or whatever you like.
Make sure the server is vanilla and fight eachother to death, offcourse after a few episodes of minimg building and s**t.
Make sure you upload it when someone has lost, otherwise the oppenents can see your base ;)
I hope you like the idea, if not I gave someone elese an idea or a concept to creativicly work with.
Wow thank you!! :D Really appreciate your feedback!:D[DOUBLEPOST=1385763454,1385763339][/DOUBLEPOST]
You could always have a look at the Wasteland mod, my god that thing is difficult to survive with :3 I think it's PC only atm tho, sorry.
I'll look into it! Thanks! :D
Make a few games that you could play each other against. My friends and I built a gladiator arena and a game where we have to jump to pegs over lava and try to know people over with potions. It is a very fun game! :D
Make a few games that you could play each other against. My friends and I built a gladiator arena and a game where we have to jump to pegs over lava and try to know people over with potions. It is a very fun game! :D
That sounds pretty awesome! Thank you! :D