I want to make an intro but i don't know to use or where to start, any help would be great!
try to come up with a catchy slogan for your channel that you'll say in every vid . It can be a** simple as heeelllooo or whats up you guys, your name and what your going to be doing on your channelI want to make an intro but i don't know to use or where to start, any help would be great!
Make it short, sweet, and to the point. Do not make it more then 7 seconds.
Good info from everyone. I'm looking at intros right now too. What about cute kids doing something? My kids have a wierd saying right now that is funny to me. Soy daughter of 4 says ",yer watching the monsoon army and that's why you don't chase a squirrel kids". And then we do a cheesy squirrel laugh. Then to me. Any thoughts?
Don't. Intro isn't needed.I want to make an intro but i don't know to use or where to start, any help would be great!