Any Advice on How To Grow

My name is Jetstream19, which is also the name of my YouTube channel. I've been on for about a year and have around 120 subscribers. Does anyone have advice on how to improve my channel's growth. Do I need better mic skills, which is what I wanna work on because I plan on being a professional wrestler one day. So can someone give me some advice.
Hello! I just looked at your channel and I think it could use a bit of art. Colorful banners are a great way to catch people's eyes and make them pay attention to you and your content. Best of luck!
I looked over your channel Jet and I would definitely suggest working on a professional looking banner as well as some thumbnails. Thumbnails are key :D
as everyone has said, colorful art banners and thumbnails are so key to becoming more noticeable on youtube. With that, quality videos also go a long way on youtube.