I didn't mean youtube remove them, my agreement with them said they would protect my copyright, and remove outside videos that infringe on my copyright. I had a couple companies contact me personally to set-up a licensing contract for my video, i forwarded them onto Jukin to finalize said contract but their lack of urgency to settle the contract lost them for me. The only one they actually locked in for me was one I had done most of the work with before finally forwarding it onto them.
All in all I was very displeased with their service and their lack of marketing/help. I really wish I could have went back and signed with no licensing company because I could have at least settled a couple licensing contracts faster, plus I wouldn't have been just giving money away.
This tells me they were deceiving you from the first.
As I thought I said but may have mis-stated; networks cannot protect your content by removing infringing videos, unless they are a part of the Content ID Program. They do not remove the videos themselves if they are; YouTube itself must do that via the Content ID Fingerprint Match System. Your network must have applied a "block or remove policy", plus
every element in the submitted fingerprint
must be unique.
This means if you are using Royalty Free Music, photographs, or footage, those assets must be
exclusively licensed to you. Or you must have
created everything used in your video; if there is music, you must have either composed it yourself, or created it via personal Sound Design. Any footage must in this second case be shot by yourself and or any collaborators. Any still images must have been shot by you, or created by you in a graphics program.
Most RF assets are non-exclusively licensed; meaning anyone who can pay the licensing fee can use them; and this is where the Content ID System is an utter failure.
It is full to the brim with non-exclusive content.
Was this network a member of the Content ID System, and furthermore do you own
sole rights in all the content of the stolen videos? I am sorry you lost the contracts, and you are well out of this shoddy network; but I think there are some misunderstandings of just what a network can and cannot do going on here.