
Ever wondered how and why some videos make it to the "trending tab" and others don't?
Thanks to data scientist Ammar Alyousfi, we now have a massive amount of data about every single video that hit the tab in 2019, as well as corresponding conclusions about what qualities these videos tend to share.
To compile his report, Alyousfi ran an automated script that scraped data from YouTube’s Trending tab every day throughout the year. According to YouTube, “Trending isn’t personalized and displays the same list of trending videos in each country to all users” — so he didn’t have to account for the possibility that different videos might show up for users in different regions.
Alyousfi found that over the course of 2019, YouTube’s Trending tab displayed 11,177 unique videos. If that sounds smaller than expected, it’s because Trending actually displayed 72,994 total entries, or around 200 videos per day, but a number of those videos trended for multiple days. For the purpose of his report, Alyousfi chose to examine data “on all of the 72,994 trending videos, not on unique trending videos only,” he said. “The reasoning behind this is that we are interested in videos considered trending by YouTube. So if a video is considered trending for 3 days, then we believe it has more trending power and more trending characteristics than a video trending for 1 day only; thus, it should have more weight. So we include the 3 occurrences of that video in the analysis.”
For the results of the analyis --->
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