Am I too "weird" for YouTube?


Active Member
Hey all! I would like some feedback on the over all look and feel of my channel, I don't show my face because I truly believe it's not all about looks, My content is a little on the weird side so it doesn't really tie in with what the common YouTuber does.

Being weird is fine but I can't help but wonder there is room for improvement, any help would be appreciated x
Hello! I definitely do not think your videos are too weird for YouTube! There is definitely a niche for these types of videos (one I am trying to break into as well). Looking at some popular YouTubers in this niche are Grav3yardgirl, LoeyLane and all those creepy pasta/horror reading channels. And I’m sure there’s a ton of others. I like your videos from the few I skimmed. I don’t think this is weird at all. In fact I think this niche of YouTube is one that many people crave, whether they know it or not, but is also one that isn’t too heavily populated with channels so I think it’s a great one.