Am I the only one who didn't recieve August payment from Quiz?

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But it could be you who is trying to scam QuizGroup/ YouTube/ Advertisers if you are doing something dodgy which we don't know isn't the case if you don't link back to your channel..
Rotfl. I am now monetizing under YouTube my channel... that should already tell you my channel is legit but there is no point of arguing when you never respond to ANY ARGUMENTS and only try to attack me.
I'm QuizGroup partner since 3 months, i get paid every month in date of 24.

You need to have more than 10$ to be paid every month.
I got paid:
21.04 ect.
But there is no point of waiting since they took about 400.000 channels is past 6 months and now they removed huge part of that and scammed many people from their money that didn't have a single strike...
Rotfl. I am now monetizing under YouTube my channel... that should already tell you my channel is legit but there is no point of arguing when you never respond to ANY ARGUMENTS and only try to attack me.
I was just asking what your channel is, I am not trying to start an argument.
I think it is only fair that if you are throwing around allegations of "scamming" on a public forum that you provide proof of your channel.
they taking his revenue 20% omg ....

i never get scam by this network... its one of the best. paying really fast, not big revenue, great and easy site
I was just asking what your channel is, I am not trying to start an argument.
I think it is only fair that if you are throwing around allegations of "scamming" on a public forum that you provide proof of your channel.
So if you were asking for the channel I already declined that. Don't drag it.
No I don't. I just need to provide proof of scamming. I don't need to "provide proof of your channel" What an idiotic statement that is btw. If you pay such attention to me then you should know I'm gonna write an extensive review on QG next month.

Redmyst, are you still under Quiz? They didn't unlink your channel without telling you by any chances?
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Shane is right there, if you dont provide your channel link then we cannot help you, providing it will show whether or not you should be receiving your money, it would show us either original content or a load of copyrighted content. If you cannot provide that and are going to post accusations of scamming I have no option but to close this thread. If you can send us your channel link to admin at I will open the thread.[DOUBLEPOST=1443431399][/DOUBLEPOST]OP received their payment.
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