Alternative to photoshop?


Dog Crazy
hey guys
im looking for an alternative to photoshop
i was thinking about gimp
but do you know any others that might be better?

only going to use it for making thumbnails and channel art really
I love your logo
ill definitely check it out
thanks :)
thanks :) , might take a bit of getting use to but I find it to be an effective software for being free, plus they have forums where some ppl who use it make plugins that can be very fun to play with.
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I cannot stress how f*****g amazing this free program is, and the community support with custom effects and plugins is amazing. I use it :D
I use GIMP.

It's awesome and free. I've tried Photoshop but I've been using gimp so long I can just do everything faster in it.
Pixelmator is really good, its like Photoshop, but only about thirty dollars, with basically the same feature set, and also slightly more attractive as well :D
I use gimp I'm not the best at it, but all of my thumbnails are made with it. They aren't the greatest, but nor are the worse. Plus the major benefit is it's FREEEEEEEE!