advice: legal matters with my YT-Music app


New Member
Hi all,
I am looking for any advice, opinions about creating my own YT-Music app for accessing my music library with a paid subscription (6.99 euros/month, I think it's Premium).

By app I mean also a desktop computer program (not just a mobile phone app)

The app downloads songs from the library and saves them locally for offline playback.

Also, it process them to extract different metrics from the sound and will use that data to create better shuffle algorithm to suit me.

So, there are some issues. I believe (not sure though) that downloading songs locally can only be done with the YT-Music app (for offline playing). And I have a desktop computer (not a smartphone).

I have like 10000 songs in my library and I don't want to be infringe any rules and be banned but I also need more sophisticated user interface, features and offline playback.

So, I am asking you here in this forum. I hope it's a relevant and valid issue.

Many thanks,
