Adobe After Effects Takes FOREVER


Got music?
Does anyone have any experience with After Effects?
My .avi 2-minute, 46 seconds renders take 50 minutes @1440 x 1080 whereas vegas renders 5-10min videos in ~20 minutes.
I know in Vegas, I have CUDA-processing enabled for graphics card acceleration but I have no idea where to find a similar option in this jungle of a program! How can I make it go faster?

Please halp :3
hahaha you see it's good for you :D Anyway believe me that's better than having sh"%y upload speed as me Just took me 2hrs to upload last video (4 min) :(
O.O yikes... and here I am thinking ~10min videos taking 20-40mins to upload was long!

Heh, thanks anyways. ^.^
It usually takes me about 1 hour, but today internet just hated me :D hah but I can't really do anything about it, so I don't try to make a big deal out of it^^