A quite big problem when playing Horror games.

OP, your mic is fine for the task. For starters, play with your windows recording levels. Have Audacity open and recording, start talking and make noise, scream a few times. What you are trying to do is find the point just before clipping occurs. To not go into too technical an explanation, clipping is the point where the amplification is such that distortion occurs. Start with your volume low in Windows while making loud noises and increase it in Windows until it clips, then drop it maybe 3-5%.

It's like editing photography. Once you have white, all data is gone. Once it's distorted, you can't fix it. So keep things lower and then amplify later.

This gives you a track where your loud noise should never cause any distortion and you can then edit accordingly. Start off with compression to bring the volume of the scream peaks more in line with the rest of the track, then normalize it at the end. You can do some noise removal as well, just make sure you do that after your normalize.

Thank you very much :) I will try this, But I really scream loud xD even when I have 0.15 it goes to the max xD
But I've tried to speak past the mic and not in to it and it seems to work better ^^
We will see :D
Thank you very much :) I will try this, But I really scream loud xD even when I have 0.15 it goes to the max xD
But I've tried to speak past the mic and not in to it and it seems to work better ^^
We will see :D

Well, you can try moving the mic further away, but you're already at the distance where room noise begins to become a factor.
Well, you can try moving the mic further away, but you're already at the distance where room noise begins to become a factor.

True, well I will have to fiddle with the settings, but would've been a lot easier if I knew someone who was good at this stuff that lived close to me ;P