A Question About Youtube Algorithm


Active Member
Hello I have an old kids channel with 5 million subscribers.

I will now create 13+ videos as my kids view earnings have dropped due to COPPA.

My question is; If I create videos for 13+ and teens, will my videos continue to be recommended? Does the YouTube algorithm work correctly? Or should I open a new channel?
5 million subs? Wow.

How long since you last uploaded a video to that channel?

I don't really know the answer to your question but depending on the timeframe perhaps the kids that watched your channel have now grown and are of the new target demographic?

If your existing kids channel is still active and targeting kids at the same age (wow that sounds dodgy eh) then I think a new channel for a new demographic would be a better approach.
Maybe a lot of your subs are actually 13+ now? You could test the waters a bit and see if you still have some traction with your idea.
I don't know about the algorithm, but the policy of running children's channel has definitely changed. you can watch the meetup. to be aware of all restrictions and prohibitions, because it will be a shame if youtube turns off monetization or even block your channel