Gaming A brand new LP channel: looking for long term collab partner(s)


Hi, I am Ninselic! I am planning to create a collaboration let's play channel. I am looking for people that are looking for the same thing as I am: 'starting a new and fresh experience from the very beginning'. Is there anyone else here that feels the same way?

I dislike shooter, horror or sci-fi/space kind of games, I am fairly sensitive so I stay away from games that are too flashy. I prefer older games above newer games. I enjoy a good RPG or sandbox game, and I have a love for some hardcore gaming, the more ludicrous and creative the series, the better :D

I don't mind too much on who I'm collaborating with, but be at least 18+ years old, I am 23 years old myself. If your English is... 'not so good', I won't mind, because I am 'not so good' with English myself. Be sure to be able to speak with a mic on either Skype of Discord

Please tell me what you think, and If there is anything I forget to mention let me know :)
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You have excluded a LOT of games from your not to playlist :bounce:
What games do you even play with that criteria?
Id take it, that youd be playing minecraft, lol, dota, hots, civ, sims, and more
But like yeah nah
non sci-fi is all over the market
You have excluded a LOT of games from your not to playlist :bounce:
What games do you even play with that criteria?
Id take it, that youd be playing minecraft, lol, dota, hots, civ, sims, and more
But like yeah nah
non sci-fi is all over the market
Yup, I'm a very picky and sometimes snobby gamer :D
But I can always make some exceptions in the future, I could try something new from time to time because I always tend to judge games, maybe I would even like them.
yeah but
What games do you even play on a regular basis?
I would enjoy playing all the games you mentioned, expect for maybe the sims. But those are the games I sometimes play with my buddies or are the lets plays I watch from other YouTubers. I rarely play video games single player because I just can't enjoy them alone, I would lose interest almost immediately, that's the reason I quit making let's plays so many times.

My gaming horizon is not so wide, but I think I would enjoy playing almost any kind of game as long as I have a chance to get to know it better.
When I get back to youtube after my trip I would be down to game. I'm more of a console guy but I've been trying to find people to play some steam games with