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80,000 subscribers in 10 months!

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Good job sir, I've been checking out the forums and honestly I say you're one of the luckiest guys in the world, I'm a growing channel but I'll get there one day, you're already there. xD
Contrary to most people, I don't make videos celebrating the amount of subscibers I have. I let that party be implied! However, I do celebrate with a cup of tea and a positive outlook on the future! (When I reach 100k though? Gotta celebrate that properly!)

Wouldn't have made it this far on my own, of course! Many thanks go out to Cryaotic, PewDiePie and MangaMinx - all 3 contributors to my success by promoting me!

All glory to my trusty XFX 7950, i7 3770 and 16GB of RAM for being there during those long render hours. 3D animating can be tedious work, but it's so worth it in the end. Patience is a virtue, even if it means sitting still in a chair for 10 hours to get 40 seconds of animation!

*puts on a partyhat*
Congrats man, Great content too
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