• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

5000 subscribers 6000 a week later 7000 9 days after that!

Congrats friend! I also watch your videos too, they fit my personal life <3. Love the old gen games! Videos are always well put together!
Thanks so much. And I just passed 7000 today! However tho ha have slowed a bit I don’t expect 8 anytime soon
I hit 6000 subscribers last night and didn’t have time to post about passing 5000. If the current trend holds I’ll be at 7000 in 5 days. I won’t post another one at 7 but maybe after 8 and 10k if things continue as they are

What happened was YouTube surfaced up some old videos which had other old videos as suggestions and then the next video I released was sent to the home page and is closing in on a million minutes of watch time in under 2 weeks. So it may stay up there forever (ok not literally forever. But, you know)