
Haha I don't even want to know what a drunk me commentary would look like! The thing isn't that I AM boring I just come across that way by myself? I know it doesn't make much sense but around other people I am very energetic and outgoing...it's weird.

haha i am to, need to learn to crack into that on/off switch in your mind
Well first even wanted to start a commentary i thought "what if some1 hears me :( That would be so awkward" xD What i did was literally "idgaf" xD When i do commentarys now they are pretty fun (i hope) Just f**k everything and dont give a shiet xD That should do the trick xD
My videos probably put people to sleep, my mic is too quiet, I am shy and I haven't found my niche yet. How do YOU make yourself speak in a more upbeat manner when you are sitting at your computer alone? I tried it once and I felt like even my cat was judging me. :(
The way I get comfortable in front of a camera is I picture a bunch of mini people sitting inside the camera haha. You feel silly because you feel like you're just talking to a camera, but you're not! The filming process is one of many extensions to an audience, so speak as if there is an audience :)
It's all about how many f*cks you give. I mean.. look at my introduction video to VlogFridays. I'm so awkward, but I have decided that I'd do it anyway. Shake it off.
i totally understand! its really hard to stay energetic when doing solo commentary's.. so i started playing games that i have never played that way i didn't know what to expect so some of the reactions were pretty priceless lol but even then its tough!