20+ hours of footage ... what would you do?


Loving YTtalk
Ok. Let me explain the situation. I love to play COD 4 when I have time and multiplayer is still very busy. So I found high-jump server which I really like. Because so many people can't believe that I am such a good player, I was very often temp-banned, which was annoying, so I started recording my gameplay to proof to the admins that I play clean.

Now I have 20+ hours of footage and it is a pain to delete it, but it also eats a lot of my memory away. Now I don't want to start another YouTube channel and put a lot of work into it, but on the other hand I was thinking "why not".

What would you do?
You seem to be very focussed on your main channel and I don't think you should be distracted with a gaming one. If the videos are eating up space and you don't want to delete them, consider uploading them to an online drive. There's many free ones.