1080p Is It Worth It?

720p all the way
What the title says. Is 1080p worth the extra recording strain on your computer (when screen capturing things like games) and is it worth the extra rendering time? Is the quality really that much higher than 720p that people will actually watch on 1080p? I personally only watch videos at 720p, even if 1080p is available.

Just looking for thoughts :)
Well a lot of big channels don't even do there videos in 1080 p right now it is not essential but it is always nice to have the option.There will be a time when everyone does want 1080 p so doing it now means you are a step ahead of the game.
I can see a difference between 1080p and 720p, but the difference is small compared to 480 to 720. I guess it depends on your monitor/tv as well. The larger your display the more you'll see the difference. I upload in 1080p just because my videos are only 5 mins long and my internet is pretty reliable.
Even I don't support 1080p, it just pounds your system with the more usage and strain. There isn't much difference between 720p and 1080p but having a 1080p just shows superiority over quality.
To me, the difference between 720p and 1080p are several days considering i have to render the animations first on 3ds max so no, 1080p isn't worth it to me :eek:

Anyway, for most people there is not much difference between one or other.
I think it depends on what type of channel and the content you provide. Honestly ad I've leaned from experience that the engagement time on my videos have gone up when I bought my new camera. The time a user stays watching the video is longer.
I personally refuse to go 1080p in my animations since rendering them out would take more than twice as long and the fact that I never watch 1080p because of its lag.