Had a late night google hangout with
Camille Montpetit Cherry Rammer count_teribil natsu84 Mauricio Nicekid76 Katherinejane001 and
KdawgCreations to celebrate and watch that sub number cross into six digit territory.
100k shouldn't mean that much, but in reality, it's where corporations start to notice you for branding deals. Networks start to give you more perks and they start promoting you in a meaningful way. Plus there's that nice gift card from youtube as well.
If you're wondering how long it took for us to get here, our channel turns 3 years old next month. One year ago today we weren't at 15k subs yet. 6 months ago, we were only at 35k subs and at our lowest growth point of last year. Things can change very quickly when you have a good plan of attack.
So onward and upward to a million subs. We start the next phase of our plan this weekend with a collaboration with LA Beast. He sounded very concerned for his safety, which usually means a ton of views/subs for the videos on both channels.
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