Gaming 1.9k subs/1.4 mill views channel looking for fellow PC players

hello!!!! would love to work with ya on a video or two (or ten or hundred... you know haha). my steam is "{BkG} Firefly", and here's what I've got in my library at the moment. It's a bit small compared to yours lol

well i cant put my steam account on here, but my steam is MKS37LOTUS and i got 2 accounts so add em both and my youtube has 570 subs and i got most active subs and i also got a skype its mks37lotuspc
My steam is DeathWish. I have about 30 games. Like GTAV, GMOD, BO3, BO2, and more. I'm only at 70 subs, but I think I'm pretty good at editing and photoshop. My skype is nategames418