youtube podcast

  1. PunchbowlGaming

    How's our Podcast?

    Hi Guys! On a second community channel we have been trying out Podcasting. We were wondering what you guys think of them. We haven't made one for a few weeks due to time constraints but we are bringing them back soon. Is there anything you would change about the format?
  2. PunchbowlGaming


    Afternoon all! Today episode 4 of our podcast has gone up and we we would love you all to check it out! Let us know what you think and if you do enjoy it suggest a topic for us to talk about in future episodes! Thanks all!
  3. PunchbowlGaming


    Hey all! Hope you are having a great day! Today our community channel released it's third podcast! If you have a moment this weekend stick it on, have a listen and let us know what you think! We would love to hear your opinions Thanks all!
  4. GrumpyPCer

    Gaming PC Gamers to Collab, Plus a few for a Podcast

    Hello, my name is David and my Youtube channel is Grumpy PCer. I am looking to collab with others and also looking to start a Gaming / PC Podcast. The podcast: I'm looking for 2 or 3 other PC Youtubers 18+ years old, with 500+ subs and at least 100 videos. The reason for this is that I need...
  5. KaelCast

    Other Looking For Awesome People To Chat With On My Youtube Podcast

    It Could Be You!;) I have a new podcast called KaelCast. I'm trying to find people who would like to talk about anything! From cats to politics to dogs to cat again. Hope to hear from anyone!:) Kael