youtube adsense

  1. fiiv5

    Is YouTube Getting Greedy?

    YouTube used to take 30% of the ad revenue and they used to be more transparent about a creators earnings eg. you used to see how much you've made including their(YouTube's) cut. Now They are taking 45% and they are putting ads on non monetized channels videos and keeping 100% of the revenue...
  2. mohin

    if i change adsense account will google re-review my youtube channel?

    currently my adsense account under 30 days suspension and I've warned if they found another policy violation they may disable my adsense forever, anyway 30 days suspension reason is invalid click activity, i never involve to this kinda activity though but i think high CTR is the reason its about...
  3. Alexandru Iulian

    Ads on my videos only after that video gets 10k views , I'm the only one with this ?

    Hellou, so I have monetization enabled on my channel. I tried 1 with a channel with adsense and 1 with a channel with network I upload a video and it doesn't get any ads, but when video reach 10k views gets ads on it. Do you have the same problem ?
  4. J

    My Yоutubе аccоunt gоt tеrmіnаtеd, wіll I gеt my eаrnіngs?

    Thеrе's twо sеpаrаtеd Goоglе аccоunts I'll just lаbеl thеm аs "A" & "B". Sо а/c "A" іs fоr Yоutubе & а/c "B" іs fоr Adsеnsе. Sо My Yоutubе аccоunt frоm а/c "A" gоt tеrmіnаtеd fоr vіolаtіng thеir tеrm оf sеrvіcеs, whіlе my Adsеnsе аccоunt frоm а/c "B" іs stіll аlіvе fоr nоt viоlаting аny оf thеir...
  5. xxheathermarie

    Adsense on YouTube & Blogger

    So I started off with a blog. I applied for adsense and got it. Then I started my YT channel, and I "thought" I linked the two together. I'm starting to question whether my YT channel is actually linked or not. I tried googling how to find out your YT Ad's success rate using adsense and such...