what am i doing wrong?

  1. javacentral

    Trying to figure out why this video isn't doing as well as expected

    So I made this video on the health benefits of Bulletproof coffee. Looking at google trends, it should be a pretty good topic and wasn't super saturated on youtube. Problem is, it doesn't feel like it was very popular with anyone after I made it. What do you think of it? Overall I didn't think...
  2. lucy marriott

    What am I doing wrong?

    I've been uploading regular content for 4 months and I get barely any views and only have 25 subs. I advertise wherever I can and make regular content that the few people who do watch tell me is good but I don't feel my channel is progressing? Any suggestions??
  3. ChildBeard

    How bad is it?

    I started my channel a little over 2 weeks ago & I think the video's I'm uploading are okay but I'm finding no one seems to be subscribing. I get an average of 40-50 a video but I feel that maybe my content isn't strong enough to make people want to come back... If anyone has any tips on how to...