view increase

  1. M

    Video views aren't rising?

    Hey guys, so I was looking through my videos today and I noticed that certain videos have almost no views. I understand that some videos will of course be more popular than others, but I didn't realize there would be such a huge difference. Example: I uploaded a video this morning and it's...
  2. avrona

    What am I Doing Wrong?

    This is my second attempt at this thread as my previous was deleted as I haven't posted anything before that. Now I posted a bit so I decided to give it another go. So I've been working on my YouTube channel for 3 and a half years now, yet I only have 117 subscribers after so long. 103 AFTER 3...
  3. avrona

    How Can I Promote My Channel More?

    So I've been doing YouTube for 3 and a half years, yet I only get around 12 views per video, so I really want to do more promotion, but no matter where I look, I just find things I already do. So any more ideas anyone?
  4. _ilijakostic_

    How to grow subs and views.

    Hey guys, I am doing youtube for 2 months now and I have grown pretty fast I think. However right now I dont get new subscribers and new views. Can you help me out I really need some help. Thank you
  5. BulletGaming

    Help on understanding channel discovery

    Hey guys, So I created my channel as a brand account back in 2013 as we have multiple individuals who have access to the channel for uploads, yet, mainly it's myself who has been doing the uploading. Now as a lot probably know from my YT account. Our name isn't exactly unique, I can appreciate...
  6. Sk Jony

    Reach 800,000 Views

    Thanks a lot all of my YTTalk friends to reach my channel a biggest milestone. I know it was no a big milestone but it was a huge for my dead channel. I hope this milestone increase my activity to work on my CHANNEL.
  7. Rahi Official

    Reached 2,000 views!!

    Today I reached 2,000 views on one of my experimental project. I was working with different musicians from all around the world and recreating their famous songs in my style. As a result I did my last video and since then views started to go up. So I'm confident to move forward with this...
  8. Ballistic

    Gaming Need a COD tuber to collab with

    Need a call of duty youtuber to collab with! (ps4,XBX360, And xbox one)
  9. NishanC

    How to cross 1000 Subscribers in 1 Month

    Hey YT Talkers! I sawed many people saying that, they upload the good content that those 1Million Subs Breaker on Youtube, but the new subscribers couldn't stand in that's much place. Today, I decided to speak why this happened and give you top working tips with examples of top Youtubers like...