thanks for subscribing message

  1. Jo Barry

    30+ subscribers!

    What's up everyone! I just got to over 30 subs! Thanks for the support! I hope to keep growing!
  2. Zivlon


    Well, we did it once again people. 10 more subscribers in only less than two months! I posted a thread last month of a milestone that means a lot to me. 10 subscribers and 200 video views. If we keep this up, we will have one hundred subscribers in October! I hope that we achieve this goal...
  3. Peaceful Scenes

    Is it a good idea to send new subscribers a welcome/thanks message?

    Sorry if this was already covered in another thread... I'm a bit concerned about this as I've been doing it for a week or so and wondered if this could lead to getting flagged as a spammer by YT or by the very people I'm welcoming. I would appreciate any advice or suggestions on this...