
  1. Baylze

    TOP 5 REINHARDT PRO TIPS! | Overwatch Countdown

    Hello everyone, my name is Bailey, better known as Baylze! If you enjoyed the video, then a like & comment would be much appreciated! If you REALLY liked the video - then subscribe to the channel for more awesome Gaming content! :D ▼▼▼▼▼ SOCIAL STUFF! ▼▼▼▼▼ Facebook | Afraid not. Instagram |...
  2. Tactical Tank

    Final Fantasy XV!

    Hey Everyone, Starting a new series today. If anyone else is playing Final Fantasy XV I would love to support your content. :-) Enjoy!
  3. Kelkschiz

    Review my latest video please

    Hi, I would be much obliged if you could take a look at my latest video (LEGO Tank Warfare). I Tried to do a lot of new things in that video. Some things worked others didn't. But overall I am very happy with the end result. It is also the first video in which I collaborated with some YTtalk...