
  1. Mark Stise

    Live Streaming? What are the Do's and Don'ts???

    Hey Everyone I haven't done a live stream as yet and quit frankly I'm a little nervous about doing one. Why?? Well lets see. 1) I only have just under 500 subscribers so If I did do a live stream would anyone really show up? 2) What do I talk about in my live stream, I mean Q&A might be a good...
  2. ZDonkulous

    Good to stream and not be vocal?

    I want to do a lot more streaming in the future, but I've noticed that I don't really talk a lot while playing certain games. I don't want to force myself to talk while streaming because I doubt I will enjoy playing the game. I would like to hear your opinions on the matter and how to grow as a...
  3. Hell

    Streaming - YouTube or Twitch?

    I used to be able to upload a video every week or so. Ever since becoming a college student, I've only been able to have the time to make a video once a month. This is something I want to avoid. I've been thinking about doing small streams on weekends for weeks where I don't have a lot of time...