
  1. GlobalDayz

    Demonetized Age Restricted Video Workaround

    I was wondering if there is any kind of workaround for this problem that will allow you to keep revenue/views while creating a duplicate... I had a video get a 120k views today then it was age restricted & demonetized. I was curious whether or not it would be possible to create & monetize a...
  2. wasabiroots

    How many of your videos survived the Youtube AgeGate filter?

    I saw a twitter by Gaijin Goomba a few days ago. All his videos and even his channel is not available with the restricted mode on. https: //twitter. com/GaijinGoombah/status/842143887535820801 Lol! I checked mine and out of 104 public videos, I counted 77 videos can still be seen with the...