
  1. Caroll

    Opinion on Starting Over

    Do you think it's good for channels with very little to no audience retention to start over? I've been wondering for a while now if I should just start over, I have 179 subscribers and demographics show that only about 10 of my subscribers even watch my videos. I know Ethan from CrankGameplays...
  2. The Nerd Encounter

    Gaming #RunescapeRestartLive on Popular FB Page and Youtube Gaming!

    Hey fellow Gamers! We are doing #RunescapeRestartLive this Tuesday at 4pm PST! The idea behind it is we are going to all start a brand new non member account, and start from the beginning and play together! We are looking for people to join us in this awesome event! Its perfect for people...
  3. DanDaSimmer

    To Restart or Rebrand?

    Hey YouTubers, So the channel I run on YouTube I have had since 2008, and in a sense has grown along with me. What started out as a Sims video channel transgressed into an animation channel, then a vlog channel and now it's found its most success as being back to a Sims gaming channel. I am...
  4. Xanco

    Should I Restart With YouTube Due To New Direction And Long Period Away?

    Some quick backstory, my channel was focused on game development/modding tutorials then earlier this year I decided that the channel will go in new direction, focusing on; consumer advocacy, game first impressions and some gaming news - after about a year of not uploading. I've made my old...