
  1. Gene Livingston


    Hey guys! So one of my latest videos I was trolled (not new to that) and he put a racist comment under my video lmao With that being said I find it funny when people make a racist comment nowadays and completely forget how easy it is to track you down and find your Facebook etc etc. Full...
  2. Average Bars

    Is Learning a Foreign Language Cultural Appropriation?

    In this video I address a tweet calling learning another language which is not a part of one's culture as cultural appropriation. Tell me what you think, if I messed up somewhere or if you agree/disagree with my opinion.
  3. Average Bars

    How To Avoid Being Racist: Guide For White People

    A video teaching the privileged white community that white privilege exists and the nature of white guilt. Tell me what you guys think: whether it's too sarcastic or not or if you get the humor. It's a joke obviously, some political commentary. I don't know how the quality is: give me your feedback.
  4. Purely Peña


    Hey everyone, so I have been m.i.a. from the forums for a while. Really it has been becausxe I have been focusing on my YT channel, and creating different content. I am glad I could set aside a little bit of time to come back to the forum. I love this forum, and just feel like I need to...