
  1. Quick Question

    Channel Growth and Video Volume?

    Hi ya'll, I know this depends on your channel and it's probably different for everyone but I wanted to know your situation in terms of subscribers/views in relation to how many videos you've made. I personally have 40 subs and around 1300 views after making around 20 videos. I'll take what I...
  2. Quick Question

    Hoping to go viral or a waiting game?

    You ever just feel like you're doing everything you can to be a great YouTube channel and you're not getting anywhere? That's where I am right now. I make the best video I can, decent commentary, humorous (heh heh I hope) I optimize searches, at least SEO that truly pertains to my video, add...
  3. Quick Question

    CAN I BE AN EXPERT? - The Beginner's Guide

    The Beginner's Guide is a unique game that is much more about storytelling than about the gameplay. In this video I make of fun that with my own playthrough guide. Have fun, hope you enjoy! If you did like it please subscribe. Thank you! This also demonstrates a new way to tell people to...
  4. Quick Question

    Is "no-niche" a niche?

    What's goodie in the hoodie ya'll? So I have a question to ask you regarding a concept, one I'm currently using. What I do is answer questions on my channel (Not new at all, pretty played out) but not in the usual way. I answer all questions imaginable, the question doesn't really matter (The...
  5. Quick Question

    Unique Channel Concept - Thoughts?

    Please stop by my channel and check out what I offer my viewers I would love to know if this is a good concept or a bad one. All criticism invited and welcome. Is my brand name a good one? Etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3
  6. Quick Question

    Call To Action - Subscriber Bell Button

    Hi everyone, Hopefully we all know what call-to-actions are, if you don't know what that is, it's basically where you ask or tell viewers to do something during the video. Example: "Before this video starts make sure you drop a like, subscribe-", etc. I wanted to get your opinions on what's...