
  1. TN_Phoenix

    Gaming Gaming Group Open For New Members[PC]

    I try to do one of these as often as possible, Psychocell are recruiting YouTubin' buddies who are looking to be part of a YouTube Gaming Group. Some quick info about us: Names Phoenix, 20, Leader of Psychocell, Editor, Scrub. Psychocell and Most of its members are in the UK, just in case time...
  2. TN_Phoenix

    Gaming Psychocell Are Recruiting Buddies For Stuff [PC]

    Hey there homies, So Psychocell is recruiting peeps who are looking to be part of a group and play video games and make videos and stuff. We did this before about, a year ago or so and it went pretty well. We met plenty of people & recruited 2 people from here. If you'd like some quick...